If you have a question about Pet Store Pro, these FAQs may answer it.

If you are a pet store owner or manager, press Quick Start Guides at the top of this page. Then press Quick Start Guide for New Owners and Managers. After reviewing this guide, press the Sign Up button at the top of this page.

If you are a pet store employee, press Quick Start Guides at the top of this page. Then press Quick Start Guide for Current and Aspiring Employess.

If you want to be hired by a pet store in the future, taking Pet Store Pro courses is a great way to prove to a store owner or manager that you are serious about helping pets and their owners buy the rights product and services.

To get started, press the Signup Button, then press the Sign Up for Individual Account button. When you sign-up, choose the store that says “Not currently employed by a store.” A Pet Store Pro representative will review your request and respond within one week.

When you sign up for Pet Store Pro, your email address becomes your username. When you log into Pet Store Pro, enter your email address into the username field.

To reset your password, press the Login button at the top of this page. On the Pet Store Pro Login page, press the Forgot Password link. You need to enter your username or email address. In most cases, the username is the same as your email address.

Your store’s name and street address are visible on the Current or Aspiring Employee Registration page. Employees use this information to choose the store they work in. If you need to update or change your store name or address, send an email with the correct information to support@petstorepro.com and we will make your requested changes.

In most cases, you should choose the combination of Student and Employee. The Student role is for employees who will be taking courses. Employee is for those who do not manage training of others in your store.

If an employee will be assigning courses to other employees, then choose Location Administrator. If an employee will be setting-up new users in your Pet Store Pro account, then choose Store Owner/Manager. For an employee who has management responsibilities, choose the combination of Location Administrator and Store Owner/Manager.

Do not choose the Position of Company Owner/Manager. This position is for Pet Store Pro accounts that have multiple stores and can only be properly set-up by the Pet Store Pro support staff. If you need to set-up an account with multiple store locations, use the Contact form on this Web site to send us this request.

Pet Store Pro has two curriculum maps that provide courses recommendations. One map is for employees, the other is for store owners and managers. The maps provide several courses to take initially, then you have the option of taking or assigning additional courses based on your store’s needs and employee interests. To view the curriculum maps, press the links below.

To enroll yourself for a course, follow these steps:

  1. Press Login at the top of this page and log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner, then Course Search.
  3. Type the name of the desired course in the search box and press Enter.
  4. Press the course tile. The course slider opens.
  5. On the course slider, press the blue Enroll button (a right arrow with bracket).
  6. To star

Most Pet Store Pro courses have four components:

  • An eLearning module
  • A study guide and/or workbook pdf
  • A test
  • A survey about your experience taking the course.

As you go through the course, keep these three things in mind.

  • You can choose how you want to learn the content. You can either complete the eLearning module OR indicate that you have reviewed the study guide.
  • After you complete the content, the test becomes available for you to take. To pass the test, you must achieve a score of 70%.
    • If you pass the test, the system will automatically provide you with a downloadable, printable certificate of completion.
    • If you fail the test, review the eLearning module or study guide again, then take the test again. You can take the test as many times as you need until you pass it.
  • Leaving feedback is important, but not required. Your comments and suggestions on the feedback forms helps us to continuously improve Pet Store Pro.

The eLearning modules open in a pop-up window. Please go into your browser settings and allow pop-ups from latitudelearning.com. If you need instructions on how to change this setting in your browser, review your browser’s help pages.

Yes. We can set-up a multi-store account for you that will allow you to manage a training program for multiple store locations. To set this up, fill out the Contact form on this Web site and indicate in the comments that you want to set-up a multi-store account.

Follow these steps:

  1. Press Login at the top of this page and log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner.
  3. Choose My Training Plan.
  4. On the Training Plan page, completed courses have a trophy icon. Press the course name on the line with a trophy.
  5. The course slider will open. At the bottom of the course slider:
    1. To download your certificate, press the blue down arrow button.
    2. To launch the course again, press the blue numbered button, then the green component status button.

The certificate is a pdf that your browser downloads to your device. Each browser handles downloads differently and has changeable download settings. The most common place to find a downloaded pdf is the downloads folder on your device. If you can’t find your certificate, review your browser’s help documentation and download settings.

The team member should take the following steps.

  1. Press Login at the top of this page, then log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner and choose Account.
  3. Change the email address on the Account screen, then scroll down and press Submit.

When a user signs up for Pet Store Pro, that email address became the Pet Store Pro username. So, after changing your email address, the old email address is still required to log-into Pet Store Pro.

To remove an employee from your team member list in Pet Store Pro follow these steps:

  1. Press Login at the top of this page, then log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner, then choose Manage Users.
  3. Press the “no” button (circle with diagonal line) for that employee.
  4. On the slider that appears, press the Submit button.
  5. If you refresh the Manage Users screen, you’ll see that user has disappeared from the list.

To reinstate an employee’s account in your store:

  1. Press Login at the top of this page, then log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner, then choose Manage Users.
  3. Check Show Inactive near the top of the page. Employees that you have deactivated will show on your list.
  4. Find the employee you want to reactivate, and press the flag on that employee’s line. You will see a green message telling you that the employee has been reactivated.
  5. To hide inactive team members from your list, uncheck Show Inactive.

To request that your account be moved to a new pet store, press Contact at the top of this page. Fill-out the Contact form with the following details.

  • Your first and last name
  • Your email address
  • The name of your former pet store
  • The name and address of your new pet store

We may contact your new employer to make sure it’s OK to move your profile to that store account. Your request should be completed within one week.

When you enroll in a course, the system automatically assigns a due date of 30 days from the enrollment date. If you, or your manager, want to change the due date, follow these steps:

  1. Press Login at the top of this page and log into Pet Store Pro.
  2. Press the three bars in the upper left corner, then choose My Training Plan.
  3. Press the pencil icon for the course that has a due date you want to change.
  4. You will see the due date field and can change the due date.
  5. After changing the due date, press Save.

If your manager enrolled you in the course or changed the due date, then only your manager can change the due date. To do this, managers use the Goals tab of the My Team screen.

If after reviewing the Quick Start Guide and this FAQ page, you need further assistance, please press Contact at the top of the page and complete the Contact form.

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